The Department of Sanskrit, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, is having come into existence in 2017. In 2017, 10 students in M.A. were admitted and the Department's Post-Graduate wing came into existence. The main function of the Department is to provide knowledge and opportunity to the Sanskrit Students through Postgraduate course. Research will occupy its attention in 2021. There has been a marked improvement in the numbers of students and it has grown with the strength of thirty-three postgraduate students in 2020 and four teachers in the Department.
Sanskrit is the most ancient and great among the languages of the world.It has been carrying the great intellectual traditions of this land of seers of great intellectual depths and spiritual height. It is the most interesting and scientific languages among the world. As a language,Sanskrit is regarded by the experts of linguistics and philology a perfect vehicle of communication. It is the major feature of the academic linguistic field of Indo-European studies, which focuses on both extinct and current Indo-European languages, and can be studied in major universities around the world.
Sanskrit and Samskriti(Indianculture) are the foundations ofour great nation Bharata (India). It would help reviving the ethos of India because synthesis, harmony and reconciliation comprise the essence of culture in Sanskrit. We are not merely supposed to learn the language, but we are enormously duty bound to learn, imbibe, protect and propagate the treasure of various knowledge domains housed herein like science, technology, social sciences, humanities and arts etc. The message of Sanskrit is one of humanism, of unity of mankind, of values, of peace, of mutual understanding andharmonious development of an individual and society.
Sanskrit studies in Diamond Harbour Women’s University is going to complete 4 vibrant academic years. It feels great that the journey so far had been very enriching and fulfilling. The department grew as aSanskrit learning centrehaving maximum number of students and sufficient options of Shastras available for Studies and Research. While the Department is keeping its ongoing pace, it is striving to achieve national standards in Indic Studies and Research.
The Department of Sanskrit, Diamond Harbour Women’s University is the centre of Sanskrit learning with richness of students and enthusiastic faculty members with different areas of expertise in Indology. We have emerged with great possibilities to pursue and greater challenges to accept. Our challenge is to enable students to apply traditional knowledge of the contemporary scenarios. These may lead the department of Sanskrit to greater heights.
As aCoordinator of this Department, I invite enthusiastic and innovative minds to nourish deep interest in Sanskrit studies and research to contribute in therich heritage of Indological studies.
Year of Establishment: 2017
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